Thursday, March 25, 2010

Farewell, Compquistadors!

Here I am, Thursday night. My last blog post. Some would say I procrastinated, but really, I just wanted to draw this out as long as possible. As of tomorrow, I will no longer be a blogger. It sounds sad, yet slightly liberating. I suppose I could continue to write in the realm of blogs, but what do I have to write about? I mean, I have plenty to write about, but I'm not sure if anyone will want to read it unless they're commenting for a grade. I know I will survive one way or another, because although we may stop being bloggers, we will always be compquistadors, and that's the important thing anyway.

Besides that, I would just like to say that for all the work, stress, timed writings, multiple choice tests, and odd pieces of literature that this class has put us all through, it was worth it in the end. There were also good parts- the things were read that made us stop and really think, those amazing discussions/debates, all the things we learned, and all the things we laughed about. The culmination of all this is that we came out better people, better writers, and better readers. Or, if not, at least we survived it. Personally, I'd like to think that this experience has helped me in some strange way. I knew from the start, or at least I hoped, that it would improve me as a writer. But I think now that it has changed me in some other way too. I'm not really sure how, and I don't know what caused this occurrence, but I can tell that something happened. I feel ready now, but I don't know what for. My point, I suppose, is simply this: it was an amazing two quarters and a heck of a class. I will not forget it and I doubt the rest of you will either. So good luck on those timed writings tomorrow, and farewell compquistadors! We made it!


  1. :) Oh Elise. I enjoyed reading this. I'm with you--it's a bittersweet end. It was a lot of work, and I'm glad I won't be up late working on papers or viciously circling words for my lexicon, but I can't say I'm completely glad it's over. The two quarters had entirely different effects on me. During the first half, I loved going to AP Comp. I loved the debates we would have, and I loved learning more about our class and their opinions, but I don't think I really grew as a writer. During the second half, however, it was the complete opposite. I didn't really enjoy coming to class to learn about the writing in America's past, but I really think I grew as a writer. I think the class, in its entirety, really helped me to gain confidence both as a writer and a person. If you're reading this, Kunkie Monkey, solid performance.

  2. I miss you guys already! Thanks for a great effort, Elise.
